Thursday 23 January 2014

Week 3: Object Oriented Programming

     Hi fellow csc148 students, TA's, and whoever else came across this blog. Today I will talk about my thoughts and feelings towards object oriented programming and everything else learnt so far in class. I did computer science in high school so I am pretty familiar with how to program, however we used java instead of Python. When I first heard the term "Object Oriented Programming", I was worried that it would be a new and difficult concept. I didn't completely understand it from the lectures so I searched it up on Google and realized that I've done OOP in high school, I just didn't realize that's what it was called. I also already learnt about recursion, stacks and queues in high school, so learning it in python was more of a refresher. I find this course pretty easy and straight-forward so far. Hopefully it doesn't get too difficult!